@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010129, author = {KAWAI, Shin’ichi}, issue = {158}, journal = {Economic Research Center Discussion Paper}, month = {Aug}, note = {For the past decade, there has been a new trend to consider and reform corporate governance in East Asia. The concept of corporate governance was originated in Anglo-American world, but since 1990s it has spread all over the world including East Asian developing countries. More Scholars and business management in East Asia have started to reconsider their past corporate governance system and to regulate their system in reformative ways.This paper considers the recent trend of reforming corporate governance in East Asia in comparative perspective. Chapter 1 considers increasing concern of corporate governance in East Asia in historical perspective and sheds a light on Asian roundtable conference of corporate governance as well as the white paper on Asian corporate governance. Chapter 2 describes the features of corporate governance in East Asia, which are firstly concentration of ownership, secondly strong informal feature of relationship among stakeholders and thirdly a very diverse system of law and economy. Chapter 3 analyses the measures of reforming corporate governance in East Asian countries with a particular attention to the board of director and director responsibility as well as the protection and equal treatment of minority shareholders. Lastly chapter 4 tries to make some assessment of corporate governance reform in East Asia.}, title = {Trend of reforming corporate governance in East Asia; A comparative view}, year = {2006} }