@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010288, author = {ISHIDA, Ken and TORIUMI, Fujio and ISHII, Kenichiro}, journal = {IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology 2008 (WI-IAT '08)}, month = {Dec}, note = {In this paper, we analyze the network structure of two SNSs, Academic Community System (ACS) and Amippy. From the viewpoint of network topology, the major characteristics of these data sets can be summarized as follows: low average shortest-path length, high clustering coefficient, presence of a power law degree distribution and negative assortativity. Based on our analysis, we propose a growth model of SNS networks. We conducted numerical simulations to compare actual data sets with networks generated by the proposed model. Results of simulations indicated that the processes of the CNN model and fitness model are needed to reproduce the networks of SNSs.}, pages = {91--97}, title = {Proposal for a Growth Model of Social Network Service}, volume = {1}, year = {2008} }