@phdthesis{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00010737, author = {立松, 健一 and Tatematsu, Kenichi}, month = {Mar}, note = {The molecular cloud in the vicinity of the peculiar supernova remnant G1O9.1-1.0 has been observed in the J =1-0 transitions or CO molecules. The Nagoya 4 m radio telescope and the Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope were used for the observations. It is found that the main molecular cloud on the west has prevented an isotropic expansion of G1O9.1-1.0 Causing its semicircular shape of this remnant. The CO arm extending from the main molecular cloud shows an apparent anticorrelation with the curled X-ray feature seen in G1O9.1-1.0 called the X-ray jetlike feature. The CO arm is round to consist or two thin CO filaments. At least one of these filaments should be located near the rear remnant shell. Molecules which were located in a thin (<0.5 pc) original surface layer of the molecular cloud are thought to have been fully dissociated due to the SNR shock. It is expected that the momentum deposited in the cloud shock will compress the molecular cloud to some extent in 10^5-10^6 yr. The X-ray jetlike feature probably represents the density distribution of the hot plasma in this SNR. Three explanations for this feature are proposed, and there is a possibility that the existence or the molecular cloud has contributed to the formation or this feature. The present observations have clearly revealed that G1O9.1-1.0 accompanies the molecular cloud and that they interact with each other., 名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類 : 理学博士(課程) 学位授与年月日 : 昭和63年3月25日}, school = {名古屋大学, Nagoya University}, title = {G109.1-1.0: A Supernova Remnant Interacting with a Molecular Cloud : 分子雲と相互作用する超新星残骸G109.1-1.0}, year = {1988} }