@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011502, author = {小栗, 一将 and Oguri, Kazumasa and 松本, 英二 and Matsumoto, Eiji and 斎藤, 文紀 and Saito, Yoshiki}, journal = {名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書}, month = {Mar}, note = {One piston core was collected from the East China Sea continental slope during MASFLEX K96-09 cruise. According to the profile of ^<14>C age of planktonic foraminifera, sediment accumulation rate of this core was 40.9 cm/kyr during 15000 to 11400y.B.P., and decreased to be 16.8cm/kyr after 11400y.B.P.. Organic carbon productivity showed maximum at 13500 y.B.P., and stable carbon isotope ratio (δ^<13>C) of organic carbon showed minimum at the time. These phenomena seem to be related to the sea level rise by deglaciation., 第10回名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(平成9 (1997)年度)報告 「最新型タンデトロン加速器質量分析計(加速器年代測定システム)による高精度・高分解能14C年代測定の利用分野・方法の開拓(II)」}, pages = {55--63}, title = {東シナ海陸棚斜面域における古環境変化}, volume = {9}, year = {1998} }