@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011600, author = {丹生, 越子 and Niu, Etsuko}, journal = {名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書}, month = {Mar}, note = {Tandetron II in DMRC (Model-4130 AMS, HVEE) is an accelerator mass spectrometer for the ^<14>C dating. The tuning up of it had been repeated many times after the installation. Unfortunately, just after signed up the acceptance protocol on 26 January 1999,a trouble on high voltage control was found. The high voltage supplier had been unstable, and we tried to recover it by regulating the circuit of high voltage controller. But it became difficult to keep the right voltage of operation (2.5MV) day by day. We decided to open the tank and check up the diode array of rectifier. About 24% (336 out of 1422) of diodes was damaged and should be replaced. We should wait the arrival of new sets of diode till the end of April. There happened another big trouble on the high voltage supplier in the end of July. The both coils of transformer were burnt out. We opened the tank again, and the inside of tank was contaminated with smoke, and smelled bad. We should clean up every part. We could not made any measurement during March to June, and August to October because of these troubles. The operation status in 1999 in shown in Table 1. We restarted the measurement from the beginning of November 1999. We repeated the same kind of procedure of the Acceptance Test. The results are shown in Table 2. The precision for the ^<14>C/^<12>C as the reproducibility of the machine not surpassed the level of the Acceptance Test. Probably we have to tune up the machine better. We also measured the IAEA-C1 to C8 as the known sample to estimate the background and the accuracy of the machine, but the measurement point has been not anough yet. For the routine measurement from April 2000,we should hurry up to arrange the points as follows. 1) Estimation on measured data - Background and accuracy estimation on the machine - "Checkpoint" selection for overhaul - Measurement schedule affording time for unexpected problems 2) Enrichment of the data - Feedback from/to sampling, sample preparation, and dating - Database 3) Arrangements for the mass production - Manuals for operation/at the time of emergency - Practice course for the member of the center - Watch & Report system for automatic measurement (Especially during night) - Machine for target pressing, 第12回名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(平成11 (1999年度)報告 名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計第1号機の研究実績と1号機,2号磯の利用計画}, pages = {51--62}, title = {名古屋大学タンデトロン2号機の現状}, volume = {11}, year = {2000} }