@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011768, author = {三原, 正三 and MIHARA, Shozo and 小川, 英文 and OGAWA, Hidefumi and 田中, 和彦 and TANAKA, Kazuhiko and 中村, 俊夫 and NAKAMURA, Toshio and 小池, 裕子 and KOIKE, Hiroko}, journal = {名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書}, month = {Mar}, note = {Lower Cagayan River, running through Northeast Luzon, has Lal-lo shell midden sites, belonging from the Pre-Iron Age to the Iron Age. According to the annual report in 2002, the age of the Black Pottery II Phase was from 1900 cal BP to 1000 cal BP, and the Red Pottery II Phase was older than 3000 cal BP. This time, we have analyzed samples from the Stone Flake Assemblage Phase to the Black Pottery I Phase. We analyzed one charcoal sample from Dalaya Shell Midden, four animal bone samples from Dummon Shell Midden, one human bone and four animal bone samples from Catugan Shell Midden, five animal bone samples and three black pottery samples from Bangag I Shell Midden, and five human bone samples from San Lorenzo Shell Midden. Dalaya Shell Midden belongs to the Flake Tool phase, Dummon Shell Midden belongs to the phases from the Stone Flake Assemblage Phase to the Red Pottery I Phase. Catugan Shell Midden and Bangag I Shell Midden belong to the Black Pottery I Phase. San Lorenzo Shell Midden belong to the Black Pottery II Phase. The results of AMS ^<14>C dating are summarized as follows: the Stone Flake Assemblage Phase is from 6700 cal BP to 4100 cal BP, the Red Pottery I Phase is from 4100 cal BP to 3700 cal BP, the Red Pottery II Phase is from 3500 cal BP to 3000 cal BP, and the Black Pottery I Phase is from 2300cal BP to 1500 cal BP., タンデトロン加速器質量分析計業績報告 Summaries of Researches Using AMS 2004 (平成16)年度}, pages = {169--180}, title = {フィリピン、ラロ貝塚群における剥片石器期〜無文黒色土器群期の AMS^<14>C年代(タンデトロン加速器質量分析計業績報告2004(平成16)年度)}, volume = {16}, year = {2005} }