@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011856, author = {宮田, 佳樹 and Miyata, Y. and 遠部, 慎 and Onbe, S. and 坂本, 稔 and Sakamoto, M. and 今村, 峯雄 and Imamura, M.}, journal = {名古屋大学加速器質量分析計業績報告書}, month = {Mar}, note = {The difference of radiocarbon ages are examined for the charred materials between inside and outside pottery from a wetland archaeological site. The samples consist of 8 pieces of potsherds, which are excavated from Irienaiko archeological site, around the lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture and are found to be originated from the same pottery of the "Kitashirakawa-kasou IIc type" in the first half of the middle Jomon era. The AMS radiocarbon dating for these potsherds indicates that the inner surface of the potsherds (5053±12 BP; N=5) are about 90 ^<14>C year older than that of outer ones (4961±22 BP; N=7). The difference is likely to be caused by four cases as follows. 1) old wood effect, 2) marine reservoir effect, 3) freshwater reservoir effect, 4) diagenesis. In this paper, we discuss about the difference of radiocarbon ages found between inner and outer surface on potsherds. This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) No.18700679 (Y.M.), Creative Scientific Research No.16GS0118 (T.N.) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science., 第20回名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム平成19(2007)年度報告<第2部> Proceedings of the 20th symposiumon on Chronological Studies at the Nagoya University Center for Chronological Research in 2007 日時:平成20 (2008)年1月10日(木)~11日(金) 会場:名古屋大学野依記念学術交流館 Date:January10th-11th, 2008 Venue:Nagoya Uhiversity Noyori Conference Hall}, pages = {73--78}, title = {低湿地遺跡における土器付着炭化物の炭素年代測定 : 内面、外面付着物の年代差と続成作用、淡水リザーバー効果の検討(第20回名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム平成19(2007)年度報告)}, volume = {19}, year = {2008} }