@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00011945, author = {Kobayashi, Minoru and Sasayama, Yuichi and Srivastav, Ajai K. and Suzuki, Nobuo}, journal = {The Fish Biology Journal Medaka}, month = {}, note = {We observed that most adult goldfish has a tiny spot on the chest. Histological examination revealed that the area appears as a spot because it lacks the guanophore layer under the scales. In the connective tissue layer under the spot, neurons were recognized, with axons extending to the epidermis. Furthermore, cartilage was present under the spot. This was the coracoid process composing the shoulder girdle. A possible explanation for this spot will be discussed., Regular Paper}, pages = {33--36}, title = {Grayish spot on goldfish chest : An explanation}, volume = {9}, year = {1997} }