@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012165, author = {康上, 賢淑 and KOJO, Shion and 劉, 佳 and LIU, Jia and 胡, 左浩 and HU, Zuohao and 赵, 平 and ZHAO, Ping}, issue = {177}, journal = {Economic Research Center Discussion Paper}, month = {Aug}, note = {チャネルの行為理論と公平性理論に基づき、製造業者のチャネル権力運用が販売店の機会主義行為に与えた影響と販売店の公平性感知の調整的役割を検討する。携帯電話業界の実証分析結果:製造業者の強制的権力は販売店の機会主義的行為に顕著なプラス影響を与えるのに対して、非強制的権力は販売店の機会主義的行為に顕著なマイナス影響を与える。そのほかに、プロセス公平性は非強制的権力と機会主義行為関係においてマイナス的調整役割,分配公平性は強制的権力と機会主義行為関係においてプラス的調整役割を果たすことが明らかになった。, Based on channel behavior theory and equity theory, this study empirically tests the channel relationship between manufacturers and distributors in Chinese mobile industry. Further analyses are conducted to understand the impact of manufacturer channel power on distributor opportunistic behavior. Testing hypotheses on the basis of a survey of distributors, the authors find strong evidence that manufactures’ coercive power has significant positive impact on distributors’opportunistic behavior while noncoercive power has significant negative impact on distributors’opportunistic behavior. Furthermore, procedural justice negatively moderates the relationship between noncoercive power and opportunism and distributive justice positively moderates the relationship between coercive power and opportunism., Comments and Discussions : Hitoshi HIRAKAWA (平川均)}, title = {販売店の機会主義的行為に対する製造業者のチャネル権力行使 : 公平性感知の調整的役割}, year = {2009} }