@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012172, author = {URAGUCHI, Zenebe Bashaw}, journal = {国際開発研究フォーラム, Forum of International Development Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {Based on primary household food security survey data collected for five years from 450 households in two sub-districts of northern Ethiopia, the thrust of this study was to explore the role and problem of aid in achieving food availability, access and diversity. The Aggregate Household Food Security Index (AHFSI) constructed based on the Food Balance Sheet (FBS) showed that aid played an important role in terms of supply. Yet, regression models indicated aid alone had limited impact on the food access and consumption of households as measured by the Household Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS), which was associated with the Coping Strategy Index (CSI) of household. Model Ⅴ, taking only the statistically significant variables, was not only the most statistically fit model, but also similar to the full model (Model Ⅳ) accounted for 74.3% of the variance in the level of food security. It is plausible to contend the addressed socio-demographic factors of family planning and access to education (both literacy and school employment generation schemes for additional income, and improving farming inputs in fertilizer use and cattle ownership.}, pages = {75--97}, title = {The Role of Aid Allocation in Some Aspects of Food Security in Northern Ethiopia:Micro Analysis}, volume = {39}, year = {2010} }