@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012299, author = {Ueyama, Jun and Wakusawa, Shinya and Tatsumi, Yasuyuki and Hattori, Ai and Yano, Motoyoshi and Hayashi, Hisao}, issue = {3-4}, journal = {Nagoya Journal of Medical Science}, month = {Aug}, note = {Long-Evans Cinnamon rats are a Wilson disease model highly susceptible to fulminant hepatitis around the age of 20 weeks, and hepatoma over the age of one year. Although prophylaxis has been established for the otherwise fatal hepatitis, effective treatment remains unknown. A blood exchange was tested to determine whether the prognosis of spontaneous hepatitis could be modified in icteric female rats. When bilirubinuria appeared, the rats immediately underwent surgery. Rats under anesthesia were first cannulated into the right atrium via the carotid vein, followed by 2.5 mL of blood exchange with heparinized fresh blood from Long-Evans agouti rats. Treated rats and controls were then observed for 2 months. Compared to the 50% mortality of untreated rats, all icteric rats that received a blood exchange survived the acute episode. We confirmed that Wilson disease animals are highly susceptible to acute hepatitis and show a poor prognosis. However, a single blood exchange improved spontaneous hepatitis in this animal model. This would serve as a first step for establishing a treatment for fatal hepatitis in animals. A blood exchange may improve fulminant hepatitis of Wilson disease model rats.}, pages = {173--177}, title = {Preliminary Study on Spontaneous Hepatitis in Long-Evans Cinnamon Rats: A Blood Exchange May Improve the Fetal Hepatitis}, volume = {72}, year = {2010} }