@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012549, author = {大塚, 礼 and 豊嶋, 英明 and 玉腰, 浩司 and 森本, 祐介 and 和田, 恵子 and 松下, 邦洋 and 竹藤, 聖子 and 堀田, 洋 and 三橋, 弘嗣 and 杉浦, 嘉一郎 and 歐陽, 蓓 and 八谷, 寛 and Otsuka, Rei and Toyoshima, Hideaki and Tamakoshi, Koji and Morimoto, Yusuke and Wada, Keiko and Matsushita, Kunihiro and Takefuji, Seiko and Hotta, Yo and Mitsuhashi, Hirotsugu and Sugiura, Kaichiro and OuYang, Pei and Yatsuya, Hiroshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {日本循環器病予防学会誌}, month = {Oct}, note = {簡易な質問と解答肢で把握された精神的ストレスの自覚(以下、自覚的ストレス)が、仕事のストレス要因といかなる関連性を有しているかを検討し、ストレス指標としての妥当性を評価した。また自覚的ストレスと生活習慣との関連性を検討した。対象者は2002年に愛知県内某自治体に属する35歳以上の男女6,627人(男性5,159人、女性1,468人)である。自覚的ストレスは、「日ごろストレスが多いと思われますか」の質問に対する4つの選択肢、「かなり多い」、「やや多い」、「ふつう」、「少ない」から評価した。仕事のストレス要因(即ち、ストレッサー)は6項目(仕事の負担度、裁量度、技術の低活用、対人関係、職場環境、仕事の適合性)について、その有無を「職業性ストレス簡易調査票」を用いて評価した。仕事のストレス要因は、男では6項目全て、女では技術の低活用を除く5項目が、自覚的ストレスと有意な正の関連性を示した。このことから単一の質問と4つの主観に基づく選択肢で捉えた自覚的ストレスは、個人のストレス量を表す指標として妥当性をもつと考えた。また日常の生活習慣では、男女とも交替勤務や深夜勤務があること、長時間の残業、寝つきの愁訴あり、短い睡眠時間、運動習慣が無いこと、生きがい・はりのなさ、悩み事の相談相手がいないことが自覚的ストレスの増大と関与した。自覚的ストレスは日常生活での精神的・身体的ストレス反応や対処、社会的支援との間に順当な関連性を示した。, To assess the validity of a simple 4-point scale of perceived mental stress, we analyzed relationships of perceived mental stress with 6 job stressors: demand, control, skill underutilization, workplace human relations, physical environment, and job satisfaction. We also examined the association of lifestyle with perceived mental stress. Study subjects were 5,159 male and 1,468 female Japanese workers aged 35 years and above in 2002. Awareness of stress was assessed by the question: "Do you have much stress in your life?", and participants were asked to select one among 4 responses: 'very much', 'much', 'ordinary', or 'little'. Six job stressors were assessed by a Simple Questionnaire Concerning Work Related Stress. There were positive associations between perceived mental stress and all 6 job stressors in men, and 5 job stressors except skill underutilization in women. Therefore, we considered that a simple 4-point scale of perceived mental stress was reliable to evaluate individual stress. The subjects with highly perceived stress were more likely to have shift time or midnight work, and to have overtime work. The sleep duration on weekdays tended to decrease, the proportion of of subjects with two or more sleep-related complaints tended to increase, and physical activity tended to decrease according to the increase in the level of perceived stress. The proportion of subjects who lacked confidants, and who lost ikigai (subjective well-being) was linearly associated with an increased level of perceived stress. Perceived mental stress has a reasonable association with the individual's daily mental and physical stress reaction and coping, as well as social support.}, pages = {62--69}, title = {仕事のストレス要因から評価した自覚的ストレスの妥当性、および自覚的ストレスと生活習慣との関連}, volume = {41}, year = {2006} }