@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012706, author = {長屋, 隆幸 and NAGAYA, Takayuki}, journal = {名古屋大学附属図書館研究年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {After Commodore Perry's visit to Japan in the 6th year of the Kaei era (1853), there was much attention paid to the dismantling process of military power of the hatamoto (the direct feudatories of a the shogun), but the hatamoto's original reform activities on military organization have not yet been discussed. The direct retainer of the shogun originally reformed the military system. Taking the western Takagi family whose chigyodaka was 2300 koku of rice, as an example, the reform activity on the military organization of retainer of the shogun after the Perry visit is investigated in the present article. The Western Takagi family adovanced "seiyouryu" gunnery from the Bunkyu era, and came to have unmatched military power because it had a 67-riflemen corps military in the 3rd years of the Keio era (1867). The family built a military training center called "Syugikan" and centered the training on fencing and the art of spear fighting from the Bunkyu era In addition, they prepared weapons and produced two bronze cannon gates and guns. Moreover, there were cooperation between the eastern and northern Takagi families and the relatives of the western Takagi family in which they had to prepare soldiers in the ratio of one person to 100 koku, and train together as three families with "seiyouryu" gunnery.}, pages = {25--44}, title = {交代寄合西高木家における幕末軍制改革}, volume = {9}, year = {2011} }