@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012781, author = {大和, 祐子 and 玉岡, 賀津雄 and 初, 相娟 and YAMATO, Yuko and TAMAOKA, Katsuo and CHU, Xiang Juan}, journal = {ことばの科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {本研究では,中国人日本語学習者が外来語および漢字語の処理の効率 性における学習期間の影響について,語彙性判断課題を用いて検証した。中国 語では外来語を音訳することが少ないうえ,カタカナが新たに学習すべき表記 形態であることから,その処理の効率性は学習期間の影響を受けやすいが,漢 字語は母語の表記形態と同じであることから学習期間による影響は受けにくいと 予想した。まず,日本語母語話者との差を基準とした場合には,漢字語は処理 時間において外来語よりも迅速に処理されており,母語の表記形態が同じであ ることの影響が見られた。しかし,学習期間は,外来語および漢字語の双方で効 率的(迅速かつ正確)な処理に貢献していた。とりわけ,高親密度に比べて,低親 密度語において学習期間の違いによる効率性の伸びが顕著であった。日本語 の学習が進むと共に,日本語の語彙知識が増加し,低親密度語の学習も進み, 多様な語彙が効率的に処理されるようになったのであろう。, The present study investigated effects of Japanese learning-length on the processing of loanwords and kanji compounds for lexical decisions by native Chinese speakers learning Japanese. Loanwords with high familiarity (i.e., words listed at the 3rd and 4th levels) were processed faster and accurately than those with low familiarity (i.e., words listed at the 1st and 2nd levels). Learning-length resulted in a tendency for second-year students to process loanwords faster and more accurately than first-year students. Furthermore, learning-length had a stronger effect on loanwords with low familiarity than on those with high familiarity. Word familiarity and learning-length showed similar facilitation effects on the processing of kanji compounds, with loanwords being better performed by second-year students than by first-year students. Again, learning-length was likely to have a stronger effect on kanji compounds with low familiarity than on those with high familiarity. Consequently, familiarity effects were apparent for the processing of both loanwords and kanji compounds, but learning-length showed likelihood to facilitate the processing speed and accuracy of both types of word}, pages = {101--119}, title = {中国人日本語学習者による外来語および漢字語の処理における学習期間の影響}, volume = {23}, year = {2010} }