@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00012787, author = {中村, 俊夫 and NAKAMURA, Toshio and 星野, 光雄 and HOSHINO, Mitsuo and 田中, 剛 and TANAKA, Tsuyoshi and 吉田, 英一 and YOSHIDA, Eiichi and 齊藤, 毅 and SAITO, Tsuyoshi and 束田, 和弘 and TSUKADA, Kazuhiro and 桂田, 祐介 and KATSURADA, Yusuke and 太田, 友子 and OHTA, Tomoko}, journal = {名古屋大学博物館報告}, month = {Dec}, note = {During a field survey on archeological sites, as well as in the geological and geographical environments in the Bishri Mountains along the middle Euphrates River in Syria, we have collected environmental carbonaceous materials. The materials were measured for radiocarbon (^<14>C) concentration (or ^<14>C dates) to evaluate carbon cycling around this region. Inorganic carbon dissolved in the river water of Euphrates was ^<14>C dated as from 1223 to 1272 BP. This old apparent age (depleted in ^<14>C) is due to dead carbon (carbon containing no ^<14>C atoms) supplied to the river water by dissolving carbonate sediments around this region. Submerged plants from the river water also showed similar ^<14>C age (1314±28BP). On the other hand, wheat and cotton wool cultivated by using irrigation water from the Euphrates River showed ^<14>C concentration as high as that of atmospheric CO2. Plants grow at irrigation farms utilize atmospheric CO2 but not carbon dissolved in irrigation water to make up their bodies. Thus charcoal materials that were produced by lively activities of ancient inhabitants at the sites give us the exact ^<14>C dates to be used for constructing absolute chronology of the sites.}, pages = {43--51}, title = {シリアのユーフラテス河中流域にあるラッカ市及びガーネム・アル-アリ遺跡周辺の環境試料の^<14>C濃度}, volume = {26}, year = {2010} }