@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013121, author = {HATTORI, Noboru and YAMAMOTO, Shuichiro and AJISAKA, Tsuneo and KITANI, Tsuyoshi}, issue = {4}, journal = {IEICE transactions on information and systems}, month = {Apr}, note = {We propose requirement validation criteria and a method based on the interaction between actors in an information system. We focus on the cyclical transitions of one actor's situation against another and clarify observable stimuli and responses based on these transitions. Both actors' situations can be listed in a state transition table, which describes the observable stimuli or responses they send or receive. Examination of the interaction between both actors in the state transition tables enables us to detect missing or defective observable stimuli or responses. Typically, this method can be applied to the examination of the interaction between a resource managed by the information system and its user. As a case study, we analyzed 332 requirement defect reports of an actual system development project in Japan. We found that there were a certain amount of defects regarding missing or defective stimuli and responses, which can be detected using our proposed method if this method is used in the requirement definition phase. This means that we can reach a more complete requirement definition with our proposed method.}, pages = {679--692}, title = {Proposal for Requirement Validation Criteria and Method Based on Actor Interaction}, volume = {E93-D}, year = {2010} }