@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013149, author = {NISHIMURA, Masanari and ISHIURA, Nagisa and ISHIMORI, Yoshiyuki and KANBARA, Hiroyuki and TOMIYAMA, Hiroyuki}, issue = {12}, journal = {IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences}, month = {Dec}, note = {This letter presents a novel framework in high-level synthesis where hardware modules synthesized from functions in a given ANSI-C program can call the other software functions in the program. This enables high-level synthesis from C programs that contains calls to hard-to-synthesize functions, such as dynamic memory management, I/O request, or very large and complex functions. A single-thread implementation scheme is shown, whose correctness has been verified through register transfer level simulation.}, pages = {3556--3558}, title = {High-Level Synthesis of Software Function Calls}, volume = {E91-A}, year = {2008} }