@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013169, author = {XIE, Xuzhen and ONO, Takao and NAKANO, Shin-ichi and HIRATA, Tomio}, issue = {5}, journal = {IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences}, month = {May}, note = {A nearly equitable edge-coloring of a multigraph is a coloring such that edges incident to each vertex are colored equitably in number. This problem was solved in O(kn^2) time, where n and k are the numbers of the edges and the colors, respectively. The running time was improved to be O(n^2/k + n|V|) later. We present a more efficient algorithm for this problem that runs in O(n^2/k) time.}, pages = {1029--1033}, title = {An Improved Algorithm for the Nearly Equitable Edge-Coloring Problem}, volume = {E87-A}, year = {2004} }