@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00013174, author = {OTSUKI, Hideaki and HIRATA, Tomio}, issue = {2}, journal = {IEICE transactions on information and systems}, month = {Feb}, note = {For a graph G, a biclique edge partition SBP(G) is a collection of bicliques (complete bipartite subgraphs) Bi such that each edge of G is contained in exactly one Bi. The Minimum Biclique Edge Partition Problem (MBEPP) asks for SBP(G) with the minimum size. In this paper, we show that for arbitrary small ε>0, (6053/6052-ε)-approximation of MBEPP is NP-hard.}, pages = {290--292}, title = {Inapproximability of the Minimum Biclique Edge Partition Problem}, volume = {E93-D}, year = {2010} }