@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014232, author = {渡邉, 賢二 and 平石, 賢二 and WATANABE, Kenji and HIRAISHI, Kenji}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of parenting skills scale, and the relationship among the parenting skills scale and scale for mother's cognitive and affective attitudes on adolescent and mother's parenting attitude toward adolescent child. 3 subscales of the parenting skills were positively related to "positive cognition and affection" and negatively related to "negative cognition and affection." They were negatively related to "sense of uncertainly" and positively related to "firm but fair parenting" and "respect for autonomy." These result showed the construct validity of parenting skills scale. Factor analysis on 3 subscales of the parenting skills scale and 4 subscales of scale for mother's parenting attitude toward adolescent child found 3 factors. First factor was "morality skills" and "firm but fair parenting." Second factor was "understanding and interest skills," "self-esteem skills" and "sense of uncertainly." Third factor was "respect for privacy and personal boundaries" and "respect for autonomy." But "self-esteem skills" showed similar factor rating toward first factor and third factor.}, pages = {57--64}, title = {母親の養育スキル尺度の妥当性の検討 : 子どもの成長に対する認知・感情, 思春期の子育て態度との関連}, volume = {56}, year = {2009} }