@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014324, author = {Kanduboda, A. B. Prabath}, journal = {ことばの科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {Previous studies (Hearth, et al., 1994; Kanduboda & Tamaoka, 2009, 2010; Tamaoka et al., 2010) on Sinhalese language and Japanese language provided evidence that, both languages have a number of linguistic characteristics which are identical. This study further analyzed Sinhalese and Japanese in the usage of case markers with relation to the role of animacy. The analysis showed three distinctive points on the usage of case markers in the Sinhalese language. First, as previous studies (Miyagishi, 2003, 2005) have suggested, this study also re-confirmed that Sinhalese totally lacks a nominative case marker to denote the nominate case. Second, the Sinhalese accusative case marker has a limited usage due to animacy involvement. Third, the Sinhalese dative case marker plays a bi-functional role in different sentences. In the nature of case marker usage between Sinhalese and Japanese, these three points clearly distinguish both languages. Furthermore, an additional analysis confirmed that when animacy is factored in, usage of case markers become relatively complex in Sinhalese depending on context more so than in Japanese. Thus, this study concluded that, although both Sinhalese and Japanese languages are identical in that they both have case markers, Sinhalese employs a rather complex usage compared to Japanese noticeably where animacy is concerned.}, pages = {5--20}, title = {The Role of Animacy in Determining Noun Phrase Cases in the Sinhalese and Japanese Languages}, volume = {24}, year = {2011} }