@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014642, author = {杉浦, 康夫 and SUGIURA, Yasuo}, journal = {名古屋高等教育研究}, month = {Jan}, note = {名古屋大学医学部人体解剖トレーニングセミナーは20年間継続してきた。この歴史は、医学教育における人体解剖学教育の位置づけの変化、教育環境の変化、さらには人体解剖学教育に対する社会的ニーズの変化などを物語っている。セミナーを支えた力は、死後自分の体を献体し、人体解剖に提供しようとする不老会の人々の熱意と、暑い名古屋で人体解剖を勉強しようとする全国の解剖学教育者達の意欲である。この力で今後も人体解剖トレーニングセミナーを充実させてゆきたい。, Over the past twenty years the training seminars for human gross anatomy have been running at the Nagoya University School of Medicine. The history of the seminars has been influenced by the changes which include a significance for gross anatomy courses in medical education, educational environments surrounding it and social demands for anatomy education in the medical society. The main factors which have sustained the continuation of the seminars are the devotions of the group named “Furo-kai”, who have continued to leave their bodies to medical education after they had died, and the eagarness of many anatomy teachers over the nation who came to Nagoya in the hottest summer season and wanted to study human gross anatomy. Paying our respects to these forces, we are going to keep the seminars up from now on.}, pages = {57--77}, title = {人体解剖トレーニングセミナーの20年 : 人体解剖実習による医療人教育への貢献}, volume = {2}, year = {2002} }