@phdthesis{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014792, author = {MIYAGUCHI, K. and OGAWA, S. and NOMURA, H. and IWASE, M. and YOKOTA, M. and HAYASHI, H.}, month = {Jun}, note = {To clarify the factors determining transmitral filling, left ventricular and atrial pressures (LVP and LAP) and Doppler-derived diastolic indices were analysed in six anaesthetized dogs at various right atrial pacing rates during dextran infusion. The relationship of the late to early diastolic peak velocity ratio (A/E ratio) to end-diastolic LVP (LVEDP) showed a quadratic curve concave to the LVEDP axis in five animals (r2= 0.320–0.588). An elevation in LVEDP up to 25 mmHg accompanied an increase in A/E ratio (ascending limb), and further LVEDP elevation caused its inverse decline (descending limb). Multiple regression analysis indicated that A/E ratio correlated positively with maximal L VP, a-wave LA P and heart rate, and negatively with v-wave LAP in both limbs. The time constant of isovolumic LVP decline, which was prolonged as LVEDP was elevated, was a positive correlate of A/E ratio in the ascending limb, but lost its influence on A/E ratio in the descending limb. An elevation in v-wave LAP must have masked the expected effect of left ventricular relaxation abnormality on A/E ratio in this limb. Thus, the transmitral filling profile did not alter unidirectionally, but returned to that seen before volume loading, with a simultaneous progressive impairment of cardiac function., 名古屋大学博士学位論文 学位の種類 : 医学博士(論文) 学位授与年月日:平成4年7月20日 宮口和彦氏の博士論文として提出された}, school = {名古屋大学, NAGOYA University}, title = {Determinants of left ventricular filling dynamics: alteration in the Doppler-derived transmitral filling profile with progressive impairment of cardiac function in a dog preparation}, year = {1992} }