@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014921, author = {星野, 冴香 and 寺田, 盛紀 and HOSHINO, Saeka and TERADA, Moriki}, journal = {職業とキャリアの教育学}, month = {Apr}, note = {This study aims to clarify the relationship between the satisfactory affection of the job hunting activity and parents' communication behaviors for university students through some analyses concerning results of a questionnaire survey to 167 female students in Nagoya region. Questionnaire is chiefly constructed of the part of the affection quantities (2 items), their job hunting activities (10 items), communication behaviors of fathers (26 items) and same behavior of mothers (26items). Collecting rate was 67 %. First, the satisfactory affection of their job hunting process was relatively higher than our prospects and 64.9 % of all students answered as "satisfied rather" and "satisfied strongly". Concerning satisfactory affection of the results of job hunting activity (to affection to each employed company), it was also so high and the rate became 92.4 %. Second, from the jointed factor analysis into 26 items of fathers' or mothers' behaviors by the method of oblique and promax rotation of principal factors, two common factors, such orientations as "supportive behavior orientation" and "talking about parents' jobs" were derived. But, on the one hand, from the factor analysis into fathers' answers, "receptive" and "talking about their opinion" were derived, and from the analysis into mothers' answers, "direct behavior" and "restrained behavior" were extracted on the other hand. Third, from the results of the t-test and F-test, we can confirm the significance of the frequency of talking about students' jobs in the family, especially middle range, not so often and not few, is better to students activities.}, pages = {1--13}, title = {就職活動における満足度と親のかかわり方の関連 : 名古屋地区の女子大生に対するアンケート調査結果から}, volume = {19}, year = {2012} }