@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00014926, author = {西野, 真由美 and NISHINO, Mayumi}, journal = {職業とキャリアの教育学}, month = {Apr}, note = {This paper explores the possibility of integrated approach to moral and career education In upper secondary schools. Career Education is defined as educational activities which serves as a bridge from school to society by providing opportunities for work experiences and enhancing career development for children. The notion of "Career" features the educational reform for integrating work, living and learning in children's life today and farther into the future. Although it has been widely recognized that career education and moral education share a common educational goal as to give children the fortitude to live, yet it has not been established effective ways of integrating these two approaches in curriculum development. While career guidance and work experience are widely provided in schools today, these activities have only a limited effect on curriculum development of the class of moral education in elementary and lower secondary schools. It mainly depends on that teachers tend to take the lesson for cultivating work ethics as the only opportunity for career education in the class of moral education. On the other hand, in upper secondary schools, where career education meets the needs both among teachers and students, the cooperation between moral and career education has not often been discussed because of the lack of special class for moral education in the curriculum. This lack of the definite curriculum for moral education may work as a chance for implementing the integrated approach in upper secondary schools. As the course of study in upper secondary school describes only aims and broad contents of moral education, it is up to schools to develop curriculum suitable for their students. Schools can develop moral education curriculum in their own way reflecting career educational perspective. By analyzing curriculum development at three pilot schools, the author argues that the integrated approach of moral education with career education will produce a synergistic effect on both career and moral development in students. Three schools dealt in this paper are all pilot schools assigned by MEXT for research project for curriculum development from 2004 to 2006. The theme of their research is "Moral Education in Upper Secondary School". During this research period, they all incorporated the class for moral education and developed the curriculum both in the class of moral education and other educational activities including internship program. The outcomes of these three schools' researches show the following suggestions for implementing the integrated approach for moral and career education in schools. 1) The integrated approach will enlarge the concept and sphere of moral education. Although it has been argued that Japanese children are weak in their feeling of self-esteem, moral education has not provided effective measures to strengthen their feelings of self-esteem because it doesn't fit the contents described in the course of study of moral education. The moral education curricula developed in these pilot schools put more emphasis on learning self-esteem and communication with others in order for students to think their own way of living in the society in the future. The integrated approach will pave the way for moral education to tackle the issues such as improving self-esteem, communicative competence and designing career. 2) The integrated approach will encourage teachers to develop a comprehensive curriculum In moral education in collaboration with school and local community. Career education involves children learning in community including work experiences. Once the integrated approach is adopted, teachers will try to correlate such activities with moral education. With these elaborations, students will have opportunities to reflect their experiences, give deeper and richer meaning to them and consider their own future from the perspective of moral values. The integrated approach of moral education with career education holds distinct advantages over traditional approaches for moral education and it is a valuable pursuit for school. In order for schools to provide such opportunities, the following two issues should be considered. I) It is important to integrate moral education and career education as the learning vehicle for students to foster the zest for living. The traditional way of conducting class of moral education, which is designed for instilling a target value to students, needs to be reformed in order for students to learn the meaning of life and work by themselves. 2) The class of moral education is constructed for students to thjnk upon the contents of various values and, thus, is not adequate for developing students' skills and abilities, while, on the other hand, career education programs are designed for skills and abilities. In order to create integrated approach, we must develop the curriculum for moral education focusing upon skills and abilities nurtured in the class of moral education. When schools establish a mutually complementary relation between moral education and career education, positive results for developing career awareness and cultivating morality are expected to yield.}, pages = {67--83}, title = {高等学校における道徳教育とキャリア教育 : 総合的アプローチの可能性}, volume = {19}, year = {2012} }