@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015148, author = {佐々木, 享 and Sasaki, Susumu}, journal = {名古屋大学教育学部紀要. 教育学科}, month = {Mar}, note = {Tokyo Higher Technical School (Tokyo koto kogyo gakko) was established in 1889. This school was the most old and most large vocatinal specialized school in modern Japan. In 1929 this school was reorganized into the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo kogyo daigaku). Various procedures were taken for selection of new students in Tokyo Higher Technical School. Entrance was to be limited years of age from seventeen to twenty-five till 1902, and 1903 this limitation of age was abolished. This school admitted male only. Till 1902 all candidates for admission had to pass the entrance examination covers 8-9 subjects. But the candidates graduated from middle school admitted without exam till 1892, and then they had to pass the exam covers 3-4 subjects. These exam was held at prefectural office till 1884, then at middle school in each region till 1904. On March 27, 1903, the Specialized School Order was promulgated, which came into force on April 1 of the year. Then this school had been regulated by this order. Entrance had been limited to middle school graduates, technical school graduates, of those certified as their equivalent. Entrance exams covered mathematics, English, physics and chemistry. The other hand, form 1906 to 1925, the excellent graduate from middle school who was among the upper tenth of his class in respect of achievement had been admitted without entrance exam. Till 1914, academic year of this school beginned on September 11, and that time the entrance exam held in May or June. In 1915, the beginning of academic year of this school turned to April 1, the entrance exam held in the latter half of March.}, pages = {213--229}, title = {東京高等工業学校の入学者選抜制度の歴史}, volume = {32}, year = {1986} }