@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00015828, author = {纐纈, 千晶 and KOUKETSU, Chiaki}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {House-Tree-Person technique (HTP) published by Buck in 1948, is a portrayal psychological test to have participants draw a picture of "house", "tree" and "person" on a piece of paper for each, which is used even today's psychological front in many countries. In Japan, Hosoki, Nakai, Omori and Takahashi published "Multi-dimensional House Tree-Person technique"(1971), which was an improved version of HTP applied to "Framed Technique" (Nakai, 1971) and would have participants draw a picture of "house", "tree" and "person" all together on one piece of paper. In this test, each participant uses three pieces of paper. Regarding the first paper, the participants are assigned to divide the drawing paper into three portions and put three frames on them. As for the second paper, they are to put one frame on the whole paper. Then, they are to draw a picture of "house", "tree" and "person" within the frames. As for the third paper, they are to use it without framing. Although this method was effective, the technique has been improved considering the participant's' burden. In this paper, I discuss "Synthetic House-Tree-Person technique (S-HTP)",one of the modified versions in which each participant is assigned to draw a picture of "house", "tree" and "person" all together on a single piece of paper. Other than this assignment, they are free to draw any pictures. Then I present the overview on studies from its early stage to the current one. S-HTP in the 1970s and 1980s were conducted mainly for schizophrenia patients, and the common objective among the researches is thought to examine their drawing characteristics, level of psychopathology, and changes accompanied by the treatment process, and to define pathological index and interpretational hypothesis. Mikami who had been studying S-HTP since 1979 published "Synthetic House-Tree-Person technique", an introductory and interpretational book that illustrated findings and S-HTP-specific pathologic index and interpretational hypothesis obtained from methods, basic understanding and accumulated research results. She successfully organized these elements in a systematic manner. Originally, S-HTP was developed from the psychiatric treatment situations, but today it is used in a various fields according to the expansion of clinical psychology fields such as education and public welfare. The number of research has been increasing since 2000 and has been discussed from various points of view. In this paper, I classify those studies into four groups depending on their purpose, participants, and methods. The followings are brief summary. (1) Basic researches: a research to analyze and discuss the formal drawing characteristics of S-HTP, and a comparative research to analyze between Mikami (1995) and Misawa (2002) (2) youth research: a research conducted for youth university students to discuss the relation between psychological aspects, which are characterized in youth such as identity issues and friendship, and drawing characteristics of S-HTP, (3) personality research: a research to examine the relation between personality characteristics obtained by S-HTP and those obtained by Rorschach test, (4) an applied research: a rather minority research to give a new perspective to the usage of modified S-HTP and international researches.}, pages = {101--109}, title = {S-HTP研究の文献検討 : 研究テーマの多様化を中心に}, volume = {59}, year = {2012} }