@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016248, author = {段野, 幹男 and 根本, 二郎 and 山口, 敬大 and DANNO, Mikio and NEMOTO, Jiro and YAMAGUCHI, Takahiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {経済科学}, month = {Jun}, note = {This paper aims to examine efficiency of the feed-in tariff for residential solar electricity introduced in 2012. The feed-in tariff provides strong support for deployment of the residential photovoltaic system by obliging electricity incumbents to purchase the generated solar electricity at some fixed rate. Since the purchasing costs are passed through to the electricity price, the resulting reduction in C02 emission is achieved at costs of higher electricity prices. Thus, an adequate measure for evaluating efficiency of feed-in tariff for residential solar electricity is utility loss due to unitary reduction in C02 emission. For this purpose, we build a multi-sector CGE model including the solar photovoltaic system industry. The results show that the current tariff level, 42 yen per kwh, is justifiable in terms of efficiency in reducing C02 emission given technological conditions at 2012. It is also suggested that a subsidy for solar photovoltaic system is costly and much less efficient than the feed-in tariff system.}, pages = {19--33}, title = {住宅用太陽光発電の電力買取制度のシミュレーション分析}, volume = {61}, year = {2013} }