@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016627, author = {SENDA, HACHIRO}, issue = {3}, journal = {Nagoya Journal of Medical Science}, month = {Feb}, note = {Biochemical assay of β-Glucuronidase (abr. GCD) in the serum, in the urine and in the bladder exudate of the urological patients was carried out. The urinary GCD activity had a tendency to be high in the morning and low in the afternoon. GCD activity (μg/ml/hr.) in the 24 hour urine showed a fairly constant level in the same individual, and its daily fluctuation was not significant. The GCD activity was increased in proportion to the incubation time from 16 hours to 28 hours, but the incubation for 24 hours was .considered appropriate for the measurements. The influence of urinaly bacteria on GCD activity was neglected. No difference in GCD activity was noted between the right and left renal urine or between the renal urine and the bladder urine in the normal persons. The GCD activity in the bladder urine and in the bladder exudate following urinary diversion in the case of bladder tumor, particularly in carcinoma, was extensively high. It was decreased significantly after removal of the carcinoma. The high urinary GCD activity in the urine of patients with bladder tumor can be suppressed to a nearly normal level by the administration of D·gIucaro-dilactone (abr. SLA). GCD activity in the bladder exudate can be suppressed to some extent by the intravesical instillation of various carcinostatic agents. The GCD isoenzyme pattern showed two principal peaks, suggesting the existence of at least two isoenzymes. Histochemically, the amount of black silver granules on the autoradiogram after incubation of bladder tumor with 3H-thymidine was found to be in linear relationship with the degree of its malignancy. In the case of the higher malignancy, the granules that appeared were found to be more dense. This suggests that the autoradiogram technique as well as GCD isoenzyme have a significantce in the evaluation of malignancy of the bladder cancer (Broder's classification). DNA synthesis activity was found to be dominant around the proliferating area in the papillary form. Particularly extensive uptake of 3H-thymidine was observed in the area where cancer cells were extremely anaplastic.}, pages = {203--229}, title = {Studies on β-Glucuronidase and DNA Synthesis Activities in the Bladder Tumors}, volume = {33}, year = {1971} }