@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016647, author = {NAKAMURA, SHINYA}, issue = {2}, journal = {Nagoya Journal of Medical Science}, month = {Sep}, note = {Several drugs were infused intravenously into rabbits to produce diuresis or antidiuresis, and the concentration of sodium and potassium was determined in the cortex, medulla and papilla of the kidney. The papillary sodium concentration and the cortical potassium concentration were decreased in the furosemide-infused group, while the sodium content was decreased only in the papilla in the ethacrynic acid-infused group. These agents have no effect on the sodium content in the cortex in spite of producing marked diuresis. The medullary and papillary sodium concentration and the medullary potassium concentration were decreased in the 20% mannitolinfused group. In the 50% glucose-infused group, the sodium content was reduced in the cortex, medulla, papilla, cortical mitochondrial fraction and microsomal fraction, whereas the potassium content was depressed in the cortex, medulla and cortical microsomal fractions. Changes in the sodium and potassium concentration were observed over wider range as compared with the furosemide and ethacrynic acid-infused groups. The above change could be due to the difference in the concentration of infusates. The medullary potassium concentration was raised, but no change was observed in the sodium concentration in the group given low doses of vasopressin (0.1 U/kg ). The infusion of a high dose of vasopressin (10 U/kg ) caused an increase in the sodium concentration in the cortex, cortical mitochondrial and microsomal fractions, while even lower dose of vasopressin produced an increase in the medullary potassium. The above result would suggest that vasopressin might act on the reabsorption of potassium stronger than that of sodium. Judging from the fact that the renal blood flow would be decreased by vasopressin, the energy required to reabsorb sodium and potassium may be partly supplied from other sources than ATP, as reported in Part II of this study.}, pages = {143--161}, title = {Experimental Study on Sodium and Potassium Concentration Gradient and Na-K Dependent Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity in the Rabbit Kidney : Part I. On Sodium and Potassium Concentration Gradient in the Kidney Undergoing Diuresis and Antidiuresis}, volume = {34}, year = {1971} }