@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016654, author = {ITATSU, YOSHIAKI}, issue = {3}, journal = {Nagoya Journal of Medical Science}, month = {Feb}, note = {The modes of action of corticosterones on the isolated subcellular compartments of mitochondria, lysosomes and red cell ghosts were studied by using chiefly hydrocortisone and 11-desoxycorticosterone (11-DOC) at higher concentrations than physiological ones (below 10^-6 M). The changes of those biological membrane systems were examined both electron-microscopically and biochemically. The ultrastructural alterations of the membrane structures corresponded to the changes of the enzyme activities in both radical and ion reactions which were directed or controlled in the subcellular membranes. 10^-4-10^-3 M 11-DOC induced the following changes; (a) respiratory inhibition and uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, (b) configurational changes in mitochondrial inner membrane to orthodox type involving swelling of mitochondria, (c) release of acid hydrolytic :enzymes and fragmentation of lysosomal membranes, (d) inhibition of activities of Na^+, K^+-dependent or Mg^2+-activated ATPase, (e) dislocation and micelles formation of lipid in the membrane and electron dense body formation on the surface of the membrane, (f) fusion and aggregation of membrnes. Hydrocortisone or cholesterol showed similar effects, to less degrees, as a result of non specific actions at high concentrations (10^-3 M), but hydrocortisone had a tendency to stabilize the lysosomal membranes. The different mode of action of 11-DOC and hydrocortisone on the membrane may induce the different changes of the high ordered structures in the membraneous polymers which are composed of proteins and lipids.}, pages = {241--258}, title = {Studies on Structure and Function of the Biological Membrane Systems : III. The Modes of Action of Corticosterones on The Isolated Subcellular Membranes}, volume = {34}, year = {1972} }