@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001675, author = {木野, 和代 and KINO, Kazuyo}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {The purpose of the present study was to explore the important factors in decision to express anger, transformation of interpersonal relationships after anger expression, and evaluation about the outcomes. Participants were asked to complete an open-ended questionnaire on their anger expression and suppression experience. All of the data were collected from junior college or university students, and 32 descriptions as expressing experience and 33 as suppressing experience were selected for the analysis. The results indicated that anger expression toward their family member tended not to be suppressed. Also it was found that when receivers understood of their own fault or apologized for it, their interpersonal relationships were likely to become closer. Furthermore, it was suggested that the evaluation about outcomes of anger expression was made in terms of not only the maintenance or development of the interpersonal relationships but also the communication of their anger itself. The methodological limitation of this study and the implications for future research were also discussed., 国立情報学研究所で電子化したコンテンツを使用している。}, pages = {277--281}, title = {対人場面における怒りの表出および表出抑制に関わる経験の予備的分析}, volume = {48}, year = {2001} }