@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016808, author = {伊藤, 義人 and 細井, 章浩 and 北根, 安雄 and 杉浦, 友樹 and 栗田, 光二 and ITOH, Yoshito and HOSOI, Akihiro and KITANE, Yasuo and SUGIURA, Yuki and KURITA, Koji}, issue = {2}, journal = {土木学会論文集A1}, month = {Jun}, note = {本研究は,溶融亜鉛めっき,亜鉛アルミ合金溶射,亜鉛アルミ擬合金溶射およびアルミ溶射による金属皮膜の劣化後に重防食塗装系による塗装補修を行った鋼板供試体に対し,300日間にわたる長期間の酸性雨噴霧複合サイクルの環境促進実験を行い,その防食性能劣化特性を検討した.その結果,溶融亜鉛めっきの残存皮膜は,塗装の防食下地として有効に作用し,防食性能を高めるが,亜鉛アルミ合金溶射,亜鉛アルミ擬合金溶射およびアルミ溶射の金属皮膜は,残存金属皮膜厚が厚い部分で補修塗膜に欠陥が生じた場合,塗装の防食性能を低下させることが分かった.また,実験からの知見をもとに,塗装補修における留意点と施工法を検討し,一般環境下と酸性雨環境下での金属被覆防食のライフサイクルコストを算定し,防食システムの維持管理法を明らかにした., Recently, various metallic coating systems have been adopted for steel bridges. In order to examine the performance of repaired painting on steel plates with four types of deteriorated metallic coating systems, acid rain combined cyclic corrosion tests were performed. The four types of metallic coating systems were zinc hot dip galvanized coating, zinc-aluminum alloy coating, zinc-aluminum pseudoalloy coating and aluminum coating. The effect of remaining thickness of metallic coating on the performance of repair paint was discussed. Finally, the lifecycle cost analysis was performed for various repair strategies for the four types of metallic coating systems.}, pages = {300--313}, title = {塗装補修された金属被覆鋼板の防食性能劣化特性に関する研究}, volume = {68}, year = {2012} }