@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016881, author = {Rude, Markus}, issue = {1}, journal = {言語文化論集}, month = {Oct}, note = {Acquisition of intonation and rhythm of a foreign language - e.g. that of English for Japanese language learners - is a challenge, since text-based teaching materials hardly contain prosodic cues. Punctuation gives only insufficient and sometimes misleading indications. The research question is: what kind of script is optimum for a language learner? More specifically: what writing system enables language learner to extract easily maximum linguistic. - including prosodic - data from a learner text, while preparing them to read standard texts? A solution is suggested: Prosodic writing (PW) is a writing system that encode prosodic data in the 3D geometry of letter strings. (e.g. height expresses pitch) that otherwise follow standard orthography. The key argument: evolution optimized human cognition to quickly perceive and analyze 3D geometrical data from visual scenes. After introducing the concept, some experimental results are presented, for example the impact on learners' sentence final intonation. Finally the employment of 3D fonts for PW (3D letters rather than just 2D letter strings floating in 3D space) is suggested: they employ rich potential for encoding additional data into learner texts while being readable with only modest additional cognitive load.}, pages = {233--252}, title = {Prosodic Writing with 2D- and 3D-fonts : An approach to integrate pronunciation in writing systems}, volume = {35}, year = {2013} }