@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00016971, author = {佐々木, 享 and SASAKI, Susumu}, journal = {専修自然科学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper is notes on the life and thought of Dr. Tokichi Obana. T. Obana was born in Edo in 1856, and graduated from Kobudaigakko (The lmperial College of Engineering) in 1879. Kobudaigakko was one of the highest educational facilities as wel as the University of Tokyo in early period of Meiji. Obana was one of the first graduates who were the first generations of engineers brought up in modern Japan. Then he bad been abroad study in metallurgy from 1883 to 1889. In 1889 he began to work at Hiroshima Iron Mine. Hiroshima Iron Mine was government enterprise which made pig iron from iron sand by old process. He made his endeavors to reform the traditional process of refining devotedly. 1889~'92, he had worked as the stuff of Noshomusho (Department of Agriculture and Commerce) to enact the Mining Act of 1892, and in 1892, was appointed on of the first supervisor for mining. When the Government iron works established at Yawata in 1896, he was appointed the higher technical stuff of the works. He took in charge of ore refining division that was the most important part of the works, and held also the post of manager of Akaya iron mine. As the works was the very first large plant in heavy industry in Japan, the engineers and workers met with many kind of difficulties. The first operation of the first shaft furnace was unsuccessful. He was dismissed from the Government iron works in 1902. In 1910 Akita Kozan Semmongakko (Akita College of Mining) was founded, and Dr. Obana was appointed to the first master of the school. He resigned his post on account of ill-health in 1914. He died in 1934. He was a pioneer in the faculty of modern technology in Japan, whose life was always struggles with adverse circumstances.}, pages = {31--44}, title = {小花冬吉小伝覚書}, volume = {7}, year = {1974} }