@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017314, author = {前田, 尚利 and 伊藤, 春海 and 藤堂, 義郎 and 石井, 靖 and 向井, 孝夫 and 湊, 小太郎 and 藤田, 透 and 鳥塚, 莞爾 and MAEDA, Hisatoshi and ITOH, Harumi and TODO, Yoshiro and ISHII, Yasushi and MUKAI, Takao and MINATO, Kotaro and FUJITA, Toru and TORIZUKA, Kanji}, issue = {4}, journal = {核医学}, month = {May}, note = {坐位で,Tc-99m-MAAを肘静脈より静注した時の単位体積あたりの肺血流分布をradionuclide CTを用いて測定することができる。10人の被検者に対して本法を施行し,6例において分布はWest等の記述した分布型をとっていた。垂直方向の血流分布を求めることにより,肺毛細血管動静脈圧の推定を行なった。動脈圧,静脈圧はルイス角よりそれぞれ4.15±1.93cm H2O,-5.55±2.48cm H2Oで,ButlerとPaleyの心臓カテーテル法で得られた値,6.9cm H2Oおよび-4.4cm H2Oと比較的良い一致を見た。残り4例中,3例の心不全および肺高血圧症における検査では,分布は単調な増加を示した。これらの患者における肺動静脈圧推定はできなかったものの,正常人の分布状態とは明確に異なっていた。この方法を用いることにより非侵襲的に,肺動静脈圧の推定が行なえることを示した。, Distributions of pulmonary blood flow per unit lung volume were observed by using the combination of Tc-99m-MAA and radionuclide CT. Administration of Tc-99m-MAA to the patients were performed in sitting position. Ten patients were studied with this method. In nine patients, the blood flow distribution was greater in the direction of the gravity, namely, more blood flow in the lower than the upper lung region. In six patients were demonstrated the relation between blood flow and the vertical distance described by West et al. Thus, it was possible to evaluate the arterial and venous pressures of the lung with the estimated pressure of 4.15±1.93 cmH2O and -5.55±2.48 cmH20 in relation to the angle of Louis. The agreement was reasonably well with that reported by Butler and Paley. Three patients had pulmonary hypertension with the distribution of monotonous increase, of which slope was similar to that of zone III in other six patients. The last patient with COPD had quite different distribution from other nine patients}, pages = {487--493}, title = {ECTによる肺血流分布の測定}, volume = {18}, year = {1981} }