@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00017580, author = {長屋, 隆幸 and NAGAYA, Takayuki}, journal = {名古屋大学附属図書館研究年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {In 2012, Mr. Masataka Fukunaga donated documents to Ogaki City. These documents were part of the Nishi-Takagi Family documents formerly in the possession of the Fukunaga family and which Masataka’s father, Wataru Fukunaga, donated to Kamiishizu Town (currently Kamiishizu town, Ogaki City). These documents are to be managed under the name of“Supplementary Nishi-Takagi Family Documents Formerly in the Possession of the Fukunaga Family.”These documents are, in essence, part of the same group of documents as those stored in the Nagoya University Library. This report describes the course of events surrounding the donation of the Supplementary Nishi-Takagi Family Documents Formerly in the Possession of the Fukunaga Family to Ogaki City and presents an overview of the documents. It also presents the results of a survey regarding whether the historical materials included previously in History of Kamiishizu Town correspond to any of the historical materials included within the Supplementary Nishi-Takagi Family Documents.}, pages = {13--21}, title = {福長氏旧蔵西高木家文書解題追補}, volume = {11}, year = {2014} }