@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018031, author = {Polakiewicz, Jörg}, journal = {CALE Discussion Paper}, month = {Oct}, note = {The paper provides an analysis and overview over the existing human rights standards relating to business, focusing on the European Convention on Human Rights and selected other international treaties. It also analyses existing law and practice regarding civil and criminal liability of corporations, in particular in Europe and the United States of America, where the US Supreme Court is about to give a what could become a landmark judgment on the accountability of corporations for human rights abuses in the case of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum. The paper then presents and critically reviews the initiatives taken so far by the United Nations, the ISO, the OECD, the European Union and the Council of Europe in the field of corporate social responsibility for human rights abuses. In this context, the paper also analyses Japan’s law and business practices in this field. With its deep-rooted experience of socially responsible business and worldwide operating corporations, Japan has a lot to contribute to bringing the CSR agenda forward. The UN Framework and Guiding Principles on business and human rights brought about a paradigm shift. They present for the first time globally agreed standards, which have been taken up by other intergovernmental organisations, governments and business. Their sometimes abstract character was the price for worldwide acceptance. Despite valuable action already taken, in particular by the OECD and the ISO, the Guiding Principles need to be further developed to increase their value to individual States and businesses. This will require concerted multistakeholder action at international, regional and national level. The paper highlights the importance of human rights due diligence as a key concept whose effective implementation presents advantages for businesses, individuals and communities at large. The introduction of human rights impact assessment in the project management process coupled with regular reporting would be a major step towards establishing human rights protection as a core business concern. For both impact assessment and reporting, however, more guidance is needed, in particular on the requirements of corporate due diligence, the responsibility of parent companies regarding their subsidiaries and supply chain, contract law and the role of financial actors and institutions. The issue of effective remedies capable of providing redress for victims of corporate human rights abuses requires further action by governments. The OECD’s national contact point mechanism is an important tool to raise cases of corporate human rights abuses. It is, however, not an effective remedy for victims. There are good reasons to introduce some form of civil and/or criminal law liability of corporations for human rights abuses, though regulation at national and/or international level raises a number of difficult questions.}, pages = {1--83}, title = {Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights : Challenges and Opportunities for Europe and Japan}, volume = {9}, year = {2012} }