@inproceedings{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018595, author = {Kaneda, Yusuke and Takahashi, Hiromu and Yoshikawa, Tomohiro and Furuhashi, Takeshi}, book = {SCIS & ISIS}, month = {}, note = {Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) control a computer or a machine based on the information of the signal of the human brain, and the P300 speller is one of the BCI communication tools. The P300 speller discriminates a character after averaging EEG data to improve the accuracy. Whereas Reliability-Based Automatic Repeat reQuest (RB-ARQ) is an error control method designed for BCIs, which makes a user keep thinking until a given reliability is satisfied and can improve the accuracy of BCI with a small loss of the discrimination speed. This paper proposes Reliability-Based Selective-Repeat ARQ (RB-SR-ARQ), which selectively requests a user to re-send the data based on the reliability of each data. The results show that the time required for thought discrimination can be reduced while the accuracy remains at a high level., SCIS & ISIS 2010, Joint 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 11th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems. December 8-12, 2010, Okayama Convention Center, Okayama, Japan, Session ID: SA-B1-2}, pages = {982--986}, publisher = {日本知能情報ファジィ学会}, title = {A Study on Reliability-based Selective Repeat Automatic Repeat Request for Reduction of Discrimination Time of P300 Speller}, volume = {2010}, year = {2010} }