@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018751, author = {高嶋, 圭史 and 加藤, 政博 and 渡邉, 信久 and 保坂, 将人 and 竹田, 美和 and 山根, 隆 and 曽田, 一雄 and TAKASHIMA, Yoshifumi and KATOH, Masahiro and WATANABE, Nobuhisa and HOSAKA, Masahito and TAKEDA, Yoshikazu and YAMANE, Takashi and SODA, Kazuo}, issue = {1}, journal = {放射光}, month = {Jan}, note = {名古屋大学では,平成3年よりX線利用を主な目的とした比較的小型のシンクロトロン光施設建設の計画を進めてきた。平成15年からは,愛知県の進める「知の拠点」計画の主要施設の一つとして,愛知県や中部地区の大学,研究所,産業界と協力して計画の具体化のために検討を行っている。これまでの計画の経緯や,予定している光源加速器, ビームラインについて報告する。, Nagoya University has proposed a project of a new small synchrotron radiation facility for hard Xrays since 1991. The key equipment of the facility is a compact electron storage ring which can supply hard Xrays. The specifications of the project are as follows: the energy of the stored electron beam is 1.2 GeV, the circumference 62.4 m, and natural emittance 53 nm-rad. The configuration of the storage ring is based on the triple bend cell with twelve bending magnets. Eight of them are normal conducting magnets of 1.4 T, while four of them are superconducting ones (superbends) of 5 T. The bending angle of the superbend is 12 degrees and two or three hard X-ray beamlines can be constructed for each superbend. The electron beam is injected from a booster synchrotron with the energy of 1.2 GeV as full energy injection for the top-up operation. A 50 MeV linac is used as an injector to the booster synchrotron. The project has now developed to ''Central Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Facility'' as the principal facility of the project of Aichi prefecture ''Knowledge Hub'' to establish a new research center for technological innovation.}, pages = {10--19}, title = {中部シンクロトロン光利用施設(仮称)計画}, volume = {21}, year = {2008} }