@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018766, author = {山本, 佳士 and 中村, 光 and 黒田, 一郎 and 古屋, 信明 and YAMAMOTO, Yoshihito and NAKAMURA, Hikaru and KURODA, Ichiro and FURUYA, Nobuaki}, issue = {4}, journal = {土木学会論文集E}, month = {Nov}, note = {3次元剛体バネモデルによりコンクリートの圧縮破壊挙動を定量的に再現することを目的とし,同手法の構成モデルの検討と材料パラメータの同定を行った.その結果,垂直バネの引張側に引張軟化挙動を,圧縮側に逆S字形の非線形挙動を,せん断バネにモール・クーロン型の降伏基準と軟化をモデル化することにより,1軸圧縮下におけるコンクリートの軟化・局所化挙動および高拘束圧領域に至るまでの多軸効果による強度増加,体積変化挙動を妥当な精度で再現できることが分かった., In this study, numerical analyses of concrete specimens under uniaxil compression and triaxial compression using three dimensional Rigid-Body-Spring Model was conducted for quantitative evaluation of concrete fracture in compression. Constitutive models are developed and the material parameters are calibrated by fitting the response of concrete in uniaxial tension, uniaxil compression hydrostatic compression and laterally confined compression, which were reported in the literatures. It was confirmed that the model can reasonably evaluate the macroscopic strain-softening and localization behavior in uniaxial compression and the increase of strength and negative slope of the strain softening region with increasing of lateral pressure.}, pages = {612--630}, title = {3次元剛体バネモデルによるコンクリート供試体の圧縮破壊解析}, volume = {64}, year = {2008} }