@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018769, author = {上田, 尚史 and 中村, 光 and 国枝, 稔 and 前野, 裕文 and 森下, 宣明 and 浅井, 洋 and UEDA, Naoshi and NAKAMURA, Hikaru and KUNIEDA, Minoru and MAENO, Hirofumi and MORISHITA, Noriaki and ASAI, Hiroshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {土木学会論文集E2(材料・コンクリート構造)}, month = {Jan}, note = {ASRを生じた構造物の膨張挙動とそれに伴う損傷が構造性能に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目的として,実験と解析による検討を行った.ASR膨張試験の結果,ASR膨張は構造物の配筋状態等の影響により方向性を持つことを示した.また,はり供試体から採取したコア供試体の材料特性は,膨張の程度に従った異方性に影響を受けるため,構造全体挙動を評価する際は,コアの採取位置や方向に注意する必要があることを示した.一方,ASR膨張解析と荷重作用解析を行なった結果,はり供試体から実構造物に至るまでASR損傷状況を概ね評価できることを示した.本研究の結果,RC構造はASR膨張が比較的小さい場合においても構造性能が低下するのに対して,プレストレス構造はASR膨張に対する抑制の効果が大きく,構造性能への影響は少ないことを示した., In this paper, experiments and finite element analyses were conducted in order to evaluate effects of ASR on structural performance of RC and PC structures. From the experimental results, it was confirmed that the ASR expansion was affected by the restraint of reinforcement and the magnitude of prestress. The material properties of concrete damaged by ASR had anisotropic characteristics depending on the degree of ASR expansion. Therefore, when the structural performance of RC and PC structures were evaluated by using the material properties of core concrete, the direction and place where cylinder specimens were cored should be considered. On the other hand, by means of proposed analytical method, ASR expansion behaviors of RC and PC beams and changing of their structural performance were evaluated. As the results, it was confirmed that PC structure had much advantage comparing with RC structure regarding the structural performance under ASR damage because of restraint by prestress against the ASR.}, pages = {28--47}, title = {コンクリート構造物におけるASR損傷と損傷後の構造性能の評価}, volume = {67}, year = {2011} }