@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00018804, author = {熊, 可欣 and 玉岡, 賀津雄 and XIONG, Kexin and TAMAOKA, Katsuo}, journal = {ことばの科学}, month = {Nov}, note = {本研究は,本特集号に掲載された朴・熊・玉岡(2014)のデータベースを用いて,日中両言語における同形二字漢字語の品詞性の対応関係について,集合論の包含関係に基づいて検討した。データベースに記録されている2,060語の二字漢字語のうち,日中両言語で同形となる語が1,509語であり,2冊の中国語の辞書における品詞の記述が一致したのは1,383語で,126語は不一致であった。これらの1,383語を対象に,両言語での品詞の相違に基づいて,5つのタイプに分けて集計した。その結果,(1)「日=中」: 日中両言語で品詞が完全に同じである同形語の数が最も多く,1,383語のうち802語で,57.99%を占めた。(2)「日⊃中」: 両言語で同じ品詞もあるが,日本語に独自の品詞があったのは,399語で,28.85%を占めた。(3)「日≠中」: 日本語と中国語の品詞性が全く異なる同形語は79語で,5.71%であった。(4)「日⊂中」: 日中両言語において,品詞が同じ部分もあるが,中国語に独自の品詞もあったのは,67語で,4.84%であった。(5)「日∪中」: 両言語で共通する品詞性もあるが,日本語と中国語でそれぞれに独自の品詞があったのは,36語で,2.60%であった。さらに,以上の集計結果に従って,各タイプの習得の難易度を予測し,中国語を母語とする日本語学習者のために,日中同形語の品詞の学習法および習得研究への応用について提案した。, Using the database by Park, Xiong & Tamaoka published in this special issue, the present study explored corresponding features between grammatical categories of Japanese and Chinese two-kanji compound words having orthographical similarities. The database includes a total of 2,060 two-kanji compound words, of which 1,509 words are orthographically similar between Japanese and Chinese. Checking all grammatical usages found in two Chinese dictionaries, 1,383 of these 1,509 words were seen to share identical descriptions, while the definitions for 126 words were inconsistent. These 1,383 words were further divided into five types based on grammatical categories between the two languages. (1) Japanese (J)=Chinese (C) type: the same grammatical categories were found within both languages, totaling 802 (57.99%) words. (2) J⊃C type: 399 (28.85%) words partially shared grammatical categories, but had additional, Japanese-specific categories. (3) J≠C type: 79 (5.71%) words showed incompatibility between the Japanese and Chinese grammatical categories. (4) J⊂C type: 67 (4.84%) words partly shared the grammatical categories of both languages, but additionally had Chinese-specific grammatical classes. (5) J∪C type: 36 (2.60%) words partly shared grammatical categories of both languages, but also fit within different categories of both Japanese and Chinese. According to these five types, the present study predicted particular difficulties in acquiring these words of all five types when learning a second language, and finally, suggests potential teaching/learning approaches to better master the grammatical categories of these two-kanji compounds.}, pages = {25--51}, title = {日中同形二字漢字語の品詞性の対応関係に関する考察}, volume = {27}, year = {2014} }