@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019050, author = {KUSAKARI, Keiichirou and SAKAI, Masahiko and 草刈, 圭一朗 and 酒井, 正彦}, issue = {505}, journal = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告SS, ソフトウェアサイエンス}, month = {Feb}, note = {我々が提案した関数プログラムの強力な停止性証明法である静的依存対法は一般には適用できないため取り扱うプログラムに一定の制限を課す必要がある.このような制限として我々は直接関数渡しと呼ばれる性質を提案した.本論文ではより適用範囲の広い関数渡しの安全条件を提案し,このクラスで静的依存対法が健全であることを示す.また,依存対法で停止性を証明する際には,引数切り落とし法や実効規則が重要となる.本論文では,既存の引数切り落とし法と異なり型の構造を破壊しない引数切り落とし法も与える.さらに,実効規則の既存の成果を拡張して引数切り落とし法と組合せた実効規則の概念を与える., We proposed a static dependency pair method, which can effectively prove termination of functional programs. Since the method is not applicable in general, we proposed plain function-passing as a restriction. In this paper, we refine the method. Firstly we propose the notion of safely function-passing, which relax the restriction of plain function-passing. Next we improve the argument filtering method, which support dependency pair methods by generating a reduction pair from a given reduction order. Our argument filtering method does not destroy type structure unlike existing method. Hence our method can effectively apply reduction orders which make use of type information. Finally we combine argument filtering method and usable rules, which reduce the number of constraints.}, pages = {19--24}, title = {Static Dependency Pair Method for Simply-Typed Term Rewriting and Related Techniques}, volume = {107}, year = {2008} }