@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019103, author = {曽我, 千亜紀 and 井上, 寛雄 and 清水, 高志 and 米山, 優 and SOGA, Chiaki and Inoue, Hiroo and SHIMIZU, Takashi and YONEYAMA, Masaru}, issue = {2}, journal = {情報文化学会誌}, month = {Nov}, note = {現在の情報化社会,とりわけサイバースペースは,その越境性ゆえに従来の枠組みでは捉えきれない諸問題を浮き彫りにする。このヴァーチャルな空間上で他者とどのように情報をやりとりし,関わっていくべきかという問いは,そのうちの一つである。本論では,まず,これまでの倫理学において論じられてきた他者概念を再検討する。他者概念の捉えられ方によって,コミュニケーションの意義も異なってくるのである。そのうえで,サイバースペース上における他者との共生の可能性を見出すために,他者をどのように承認することが私たちにとって可能であるかを,情報倫理学の視点から探求する。, Cyberspace has the possibility to build new relations, different from those in communities restricted by border, region, profession, social status, culture, etc. This new space will pioneer the reciprocal communication, going beyond the traditional framework. We must face the questions whether equal communication is possible and what relation we can have with the anonymous other in cyberspace. It is necessary to analyze topics like ethics because we have already lived in the information-oriented society and met several problems there. In the first place, we study how to treat the anonymous others, classifying them in three categories. In the second place, we consider how to determine the ethical attitude in cyberspace according to the understanding of the other. In the third place, we examine the possibility of turning into reality equal communication open to everyone. Then it is important to shift the emphasis from traditional identity to knowledge identity. In the end we suggest the attitude that "self" and "other" should learn from each other to make the cyberspace more fertile. The ethical attitude will appear naturally from reciprocal learning.}, pages = {25--31}, title = {サイバースペースにおける相互的修習 : 情報倫理学の視点から}, volume = {15}, year = {2008} }