@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019190, author = {佐名, 龍太 and 五十嵐, 祐 and SAME, Ryuta and IGARASHI, Tasuku}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {Do people form impressions of others based on their body shape? Two studies examined the possibility that changes in others’ body shape systematically influence judgments on their impression. In Studies 1 (n = 21) and 2 (n = 52), participants observed the silhouettes of varying human shapes and judged if they are obese or not (Study 1), or if they are sloppy (a lack of the ability for self-control) or neat (Study 2). Participants also completed the Go-No go Association Task (GNAT) on implicit attitudes of obesity in Study 2. Logistic regression analysis showed that the silhouettes were more likely to be judged as obese (odds ratios (OR) = 1.4) or sloppy (OR = 1.3) in association with per unit increase in BMI (body-mass index). These results suggest that the body-shape information affected the judgment on others’ obesity and interpersonal impression on self-control. Cut-off points for obesity (BMI = 29) and sloppiness (BMI = 28) were similar, implying that those who had BMI of 28 or more tended to be judged as obese and sloppy. The degree of corpulence was rated more severely by women than men in Study 1 and vice versa in Study 2. An implicit weight stereotype measured by GNAT was not related to interpersonal impression on self-control. Implications for the normative, stereotypical judgments on obese people in Japan as well as in Western societies and for the association between a lack of self-control and the impressions of obese people are discussed.}, pages = {47--56}, title = {体型情報の変化が対人印象評定に及ぼす影響}, volume = {61}, year = {2014} }