@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019194, author = {纐纈, 千晶 and KOHKETSU, Chiaki}, journal = {名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {With regard to the execution of “Synthetic House-Tree-Person Technique (S-HTP)” with 185 juniorhigh school students (116 males and 69 females), this study conducted a comparison by sex and a comparison with S-HTP of university students, then analyzed/examined a drawing features of the present junior-high school students and also comprehended their psychological trait from it. The analysis was conducted mainly by incongruent expression category (Kohketsu, 2014b) which was created by the author. Incongruent expression category consists of the following 12 sub-categories. “Mixture of a viewpoint” : More than 2 viewpoints such as plain surface and solid body are mixed. “Perspective” : Depict such as above-ground and under-ground simultaneously. “Deviation of space” : Either an entire space or a partial blank is larger. “People’s simplification” : Although people are symbolized, other items can relatively be depicted in detail. “The whole simplification” : Depiction as all of house, wood, and people are diagramed and symbolized. “Compulsive” : Extremely regular/detailed depiction including symmetry. “Excessive shading” : Excessive shading entirely/partially. Fill (in graphics) for item. “Scenery of night and rain” : Depiction for a night scene or rainy scene. “The huge sun” : A excessively large sun in comparison to other items. “Hugeness of a part” : A certain item occupies space extensively. “Animism” : Personification/unrealistic depiction. Confabulation content. “An unstable line” : Depiction by wavy lines or lines with a lower writing-pressure. 185 subjects in this study showed a very high appearance rate that 173 subjects (93.5%) and 12 subjects (6.5%) drew S-HTP with / without incongruent expression respectively. When we analyzed with χ2 test whether there would be a difference in the number of appearances for the 12 sub-categories of incongruent expression category regarding S-HTP between the junior-high school students in this study and the university students in Kohketsu (2014b), the 4 sub-categories as “Deviation of space”, “People’s simplification”, “Hugeness of a part”, and “An unstable line” were appeared more for the junior-high school students than the university students. Then, when we analyzed with χ 2 test whether there would be a difference in the number of appearances for incongruent expression regarding S-HTP among the male/female junior-high school students, the 5 sub-categories as “Mixture of a viewpoint”, “Perspective”, “People’s simplification”, “The huge sun”, and “An unstable line” were appeared more for the males students than the females students. in Kohketsu (2014b), among the 5 sub-categories as a depression index for incongruent expression category, there was no significant difference for the number of appearances between the junior-high school students and the university students in the 4 sub-categories (“The whole simplification”, “Compulsive”, “Excessive shading”, and “Scenery of night and rain”) except “Deviation of space”. Therefore, it was suggested that those 4 sub-categories would indicate a psychopathology of depression regardless of developmental stage and could have suitability or validity as a depression index in despite of age. compared to the junior-high school students approximately 20 years ago reported by Misawa in 1995, S-HTP for the present junior high school students indicates various drawing features such as a lower mental energy, emptiness, and passivity, and some pictures with a pathological tendency such as interpersonal anxiety and depression were also observed along with those trait advancement.}, pages = {85--93}, title = {中学生のS-HTP についての基礎的研究 : 異質表現カテゴリーを中心に}, volume = {61}, year = {2014} }