@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001963, author = {大橋, 正夫 and OHASHI, Masao and 長田, 雅喜 and OSADA, Masayoshi and 長戸, 啓子 and NAGATO, Keiko and 小川, 浩 and OGAWA, Hiroshi and 千野, 直仁 and CHINO, Naohito and 三輪, 弘道 and MIWA, Hiromichi}, journal = {名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育心理学科}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the previous research, where several factors were specified as influencing the predictability of the simple averaging model proposed by N. H. Anderson, it was assured for additive effect to be significant. We are interested in the conditions affecting the powerful-ness of the effect. We are certain that the question would not be answered adequately unless person's information-processing in situ is analyzed by means of more minute method such as an interview met-hod. In the present study, however, we aim at casting some light upon the problem using paper and-pencil method. Data were collected under two conditions purported to have differential effects upon information-processing. First, under the "multiple-stimuli presentation condition (Condition-M), Ss were presented simultaneously with eleven trait-lists, representing persons of the same sex and age as themselves, each of which was written on separate cards : four one-trait-lists, six two-trait-lists composed of pairs of the four traits, and a four-trait-list containing all the four traits. Arranging the cards on the desk, Ss were made to respond to each stimulus list on a single 23-point-scale of "liking or disliking". Four sets of lists were given successively. Second, under the "single-stimuli presentation condition" (Condition-S), forty-four lists of the four sets were presented in a random order in the form of two booklets, in which each list was written on a seperate sheet. Ss were made to respond to each stimulus list successively, not being allowed to go back to previous pages for comparison. Ss, totally 243 female undergraduates, were asigned to either condition. As a major finding, additive effect was more powerful under the Condition-M, while averaging tendency was more consistent under the Condition-S. This is as predicted. The finding was discussed in terms of Ss' modes of cognition. Suppose an S assuming that trait A and B tend to accompany each other. If she compares a stimulus person presented with trait A only wit hthat with both trait A and B, she would assume the stimulus person has not trait B. This would be likely the case under the Condition-M. Under the Condition-S, on the contrary, she would attribute trait B to the stimulus person. Situational effect as this would have influenced results, irrespective of Ss' fundamental mode of information-processing., 国立情報学研究所で電子化したコンテンツを使用している。}, pages = {27--42}, title = {<原著>パーソナリティの印象形成における情報統合過程の研究 (2) : 多刺激提示条件と単一刺激提示条件の差異について}, volume = {19}, year = {1973} }