@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019640, author = {佐尾, 和夫 and 仲井, 猛敏 and 前田, 都哉子 and 杉田, 宜子 and SAO, Kazuo and NAKAI, Taketoshi and MAEDA, Tsuyako and SUGITA, Noriko}, issue = {1}, journal = {空電研究所報告}, month = {Oct}, note = {In order to improve the accurracy of location of origins of atmospherics with CRDF, the authors investigated bearing errors due to surronding bodies. Direction finding was made at three stations, i.e. Toyokawa, Akita and Kumamoto, simultaneously on 10 kc/s. The most reliable origins were determind by adjusting as little as possible radius vectors from three stations so as to make min. the area of triangle obtained. To determine the sources of errors the authors analysed the error curve of Toyokawa in harmonics but their efforts were in vain.}, pages = {65--68}, title = {空電観測地における到来空電方位の誤差}, volume = {5}, year = {1954} }