@article{oai:nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp:00019768, author = {田中, 春夫 and TANAKA, Haruo}, issue = {1-2}, journal = {空電研究所報告}, month = {Mar}, note = {Daily values of flux density at four frequencies on microwave region observed at Toyokawa for more than the half of a complete solar cycle were reviewed and some corrections were made for 9400 and 2000 Mc/s. Basic components were estimated with the aid of interferometric observations as well as by statistics. It was found that the eleven-year change of the basic components amounts to 3.0, 1.56 and 1.13 times the quiet sun levels for 1000, 2000, 3750 and 9400 Mc/s respectively. The spectrum of the slowly varying component changes appreciably during the solar cycle. The slowly varying components at 3750 and 2800 Mc/s arc remarkably parallel in spite of an appreciable difference in the variation of basic components. The slowly varying component at 9400 Mc/s is relatively strong at the slope of the solar cycle. The spectrum of slowly varying component seems to be connected with a great burst following proton events. The slowly varying component at 1000 Mc/s is relatively small at the solar maximum, the effect of the sunspot seeming to be masked by the increased electron density in the corona.}, pages = {11--22}, title = {マイクロ波帯における太陽電波スペクトルの11年変化}, volume = {14}, year = {1964} }